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ultimate result中文是什么意思

用"ultimate result"造句"ultimate result"怎么读"ultimate result" in a sentence


  • 最后结果


  • The ultimate result is distorted reality and impoverished ideas .
  • The ultimate result was that he joined the choir as a bass voice .
  • I do not know the ultimate result
  • Tenthly , is harmonious development an ultimate result , or never - ending process
  • It is very obvious that the ultimate result is mainly decided by the designers " subjectivity and lacks scientificalness and rationality
  • In the process of the design , some mechanisms are obtained according to experiential formulae , so the ultimate results need to be analyzed further
  • 4 . design of the background detection database system with the bar code technology , which can deal with and manage the medium data and the ultimate results
    4 .设计了后台检测数据库系统,完成检测的中间数据和最终结果的处理和管理,并应用了条码技术。
  • This task is the core constructive item of national " 211 project " . the ultimate result is to equip lift - feedback fin stabilizer experiment equipment in laboratory
    本课题来源于国家“ 211工程”重点建设项目,最终在实验室内装备一台升力控制减摇鳍实验装置。
  • Detailed maintenance of the surgery room , technician expertise and calibration of the laser equipment are ensured at all times as these would greatly enhance the ultimate result
  • And the ultimate result of the gaming is that the residual returns and control rights are shared between the human capital and non - human capital , i . e . , the co - governance
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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